
Humble Request
Dear Mr. Kawai,
I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Jens Ibsen and I am a 16-year old student in the award-winning vocal arts program at the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts; a public arts high school. I am also a former soloist with the Vienna Boys Choir and its' first African-born member. Over the years I have had the pleasure of performing the works of many great composers around the world but words cannot express how much I truly and profoundly enjoy and appreciate your work, especially the pieces in Ghost in the Shell and Innocence! I listen to it constantly. You are my absolute favorite composer! My fellow choir members are likewise very enthusiastic. My greatest dream would be to have the honor of my choir perform your works, Chant I- Making of a Cyborg and Chant III- Resurrection from Ghost in the Shell at my school's free End of Year Concert. If I may, I would like to humbly ask you for a tremendous favor. Would it be at all possible for you to provide us with the sheet music for Chant I- Making of a Cyborg and Chant III- Resurrection from Ghost in the Shell? It would make me happy beyond belief for my choir to perform them and introduce these stunning works to the arts community of San Francisco. I recognize that this is a great favor, but I assure you we will do our very best to perform at a level worthy of your composition. If you cannot help us, I understand. Thank you for your kind consideration of my request and for composing such beautiful music. I look forward to your reply.
respectfully yours,
Jens Ibsen
